Friday, November 18, 2005

Brilliant sunshine for much of the day today, which made the cold much easier to take. It was about 15 degrees when I got up at six, and the temperature did not rise above 28 degrees all day. I didn't mind a bit, but ask me how I like it when we're at twenty below! I don't think I'll go skiing then.

I'm mesmerized by the view out our windows. I am constantly distracted by it and I take it in big mouthfuls. I was so busy with errands and house jobs that I didn't have a chance to walk the property until four. For 45 minutes I crisscrossed the pastures. There's no help for it: The only place for the garden is where the bears and deer like to meander. The soil is not passable anywhere else. Joe, a native of Johnsburg, is going to be my right-hand man in breaking ground for my organic vegetable garden. I haven't discussed with him the building of an electric fence yet, but it seems the only way, especially if I want to plant a few blueberry bushes. Even with an electric fence, I'm not sure the bears will be able to resist crashing through a fence, even if it is electric. It's possible I'll have to forego blueberries if I want to maintain a garden fence.

Joe's brother Jim loves to hunt. He helped Joe remove the furniture that the previous owners left behind. They're going to find new homes for all of it. Jim stood at our living room windows and whistled. "Some great hunting up here all right," he said. "Sure is," Joe said. I sensed that this was the opportunity they were giving me to say that I'd let them hunt up here. But I said nothing. "Do you hunt?" they asked Ken. "No, I don't," Ken said in a beleagured voice. Jim said, "Heck, all you have to do here is step out on the deck and shoot!" I laughed, and I did find it funny, but I cringed at the same time.

I hope I got myself a weekend job today. When I had my picture taken for my season's ski pass at Gore Mountain, I applied for a job. The woman in the office took my application with considerable enthusiasm. She thought they'd use me in the ski shop or in the concessions area. That's fine by me. I really enjoy retail work. And weekend work is perfect because the mountain is far too crowded for skiing in my opinion.

We have to go home tomorrow, and I'll be dragging my feet all the way. I love my new home and I want to stay here. It's so annoying to have to go to Canton and deal with all the moving problems.


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