Monday, April 03, 2006

We're moving into a period of unsettled weather, it seems, beginning this afternoon. After two weeks of unbeatable sunshine and warm temps, the foul stuff will be a shock to the system. The weather people are talking 2 to 4 inches of snow for us tomorrow. I'm glad I didn't put my cross-country skis away.

On Saturday afternoon I picked up the local paper and was rivetted by an article discussing an upcoming "Quilts as Art" exhibit in North Creek, to be presented by members of the Adirondack Regional Textile Artists Alliance. The opening, the paper said, was scheduled for 5 p.m. Saturday. I glanced at my watch, dropped everything, and rushed out to the car. I'm fascinated by fabric art and fabric artists, although I haven't picked up an artistic needle and thread in decades.

The exhibit did not disappoint. I stood in awe before each piece, and was so inspired by the textures, the designs, the quilted lines, and most of all, the colors and patterns! I was in heaven. But there were no people to view these wonders! Less than a handful of people attended the opening--there were more exhibitors than viewers. As a result, I had the chance to talk to many of the artists. Ann (not to be confused with Annie, who, by the way, also adores fabric art) was there and I was so glad because her quilts are amazing. Before I bumped into Ann, I kept thinking I had to call her to tell her to rush over. It was fun to view the exhibit with her and to hear her thoughts on each piece. I'm going to try to go back with a camera and then telephone the artist to see if I can post a photo here. One exhibitor, Kris Gregson Moss, has a website. Take a peek!


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