Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Back in the Hub--bub. Not at all pleased, which is due to the fact that our entire house is upside-down. The moving facilitators helped us clear and clean the garage and attic on Monday, and helped Ken deal with some more of his stuff. So now it's in boxes and piles to be further sorted or loaded into the moving van. But that's not coming for three more weeks. Actually, Monday, December 12, the movers pack us, the 13th we load and drive north, and the 14th they unpack us. Give me strength and a hand to hold (or a bullet to bite on!).

I have the privilege of supervising the carpet cleaning people myself on December 6. That means I'll drive up Monday the 5th, make sure the carpet guys don't get lost in our new house, relax the 7th (picture me skiing or snowshoeing or knitting and watching the snow fall), and drive home the 8th. With this schedule, I need to be nearly done with organizing and packing before December 5. What slows me down sometimes is the need to check with Ken before discarding something, anything. "Ken, do you want to keep this plastic letter opener from Anton's Dry Cleaners?" Not quite that bad, but close. I'm finally at the point where I'm just going to discard the really junky stuff and not ask. Just chuck it! "Be ruthless," as my mother would say when she made me clean out my closet as a teenager.

Now isn't this an incredibly boring blog entry? I'll warn you, readers; moving is deathly boring work. There is nothing elevating about it. Real life goes into suspend mode and one doesn't resume it until the new place is in some semblance of normalcy. I'll pray that it will be soon, so my readers won't swear off this blog.


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