Monday, February 20, 2006

Still no electricity, yet a hopeful sign. A convoy of National Grid trucks moved into town today. Ken spotted them near the general store. Does this mean that we who live in "sparsely populated" parts of the area will soon be getting power? Perhaps, but we're not counting on it. North Country Public Radio reported that power in the area may be resumed on Wednesday, but I'm doubtful about our situation with that huge tree on the lines.

Tomorrow a much welcome day off after two days in the whirlwind of Presidents Week holiday skiers. This is the busiest period of the entire ski season, and I survived two days of it so far. Tomorrow I have no grand ambition other than to hike with Sophie, ferret out some food at that Grand Union market if it's humanly possible, read on the couch, and start making garden plans. It's time to lay the groundwork, starting with seed orders. First online stop: Johnny's Selected Seeds in Maine.

A terrible tragedy befell a stranger today, and I feel shocked and stunned, so much so that I don't feel my normal self at all. All a person can do is live every day to its fullest extent because, well, you know. A moment of silence, please.


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