Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Today I had the time of my life--yes, I was on the slopes for most of the day. With the colder weather, the snowmaking team has had the jets blasting full force for the past 48 hours, and the skiing at Gore was beautiful. For the first time, I was transported to the summit (3600 feet) where it was much warmer than most of the rest of the mountain. I had been warned away by some other skiers who had "heard" that it was bone-chilling up there. But not so at all.

I'm now swooping down all the intermediate slopes. I can't believe I'm no longer crawling down the mountain. What a difference practice makes! I wish I could go tomorrow, but it's back to work for me. I'll go Thursday. And maybe Friday. I'm so hooked.

On March 5, the third annual Northwoods Triathlon will be held at Gore. Alpine skiing, snowshoeing, and cross-country skiing. I'd love to do it, but training for it will be difficult if we don't get some natural snow. I'm supposed to work Sundays, but maybe I can get someone to trade off days with me so I can participate. Sounds like a fun challenge. I believe I can do it, but I do need to practice the course. Why can't we get a decent snowstorm up here this year?


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