Friday, April 28, 2006

Ever try starting a business? The whole process is overwhelming, to say the least. Add to that the fact that everything needs to be ready to go no later than June 10, to take full advantage of the summer season, and you've got craziness. The new biz, Adirondack Safaris, so far has one nearly licensed New York State Guide (that's me, the owner) and one part-time independent contractor who is also a licensed guide. I'm really glad that Mike wants some involvement. He's my ideal of what an Adirondack Safari leader should be: extensive background in education, excellent with people, and a natural with children. A month or so ago, I saw him help a little girl skier out of a rough place. The girl's father was of no use, and the girl was stuck on a steep slope, was sobbing, and unable to get up. Mike zoomed in, asked the dad if he could help, and then gently used his body as a wall for the girl to brace herself against--all done so patiently and completely. The only problem with Mike is that he's in demand as a kayaking and canoeing guide all on his own. But still, even on occasion, he'd be a tremendous asset to the business.

This week I finally found a graphics designer and illustrator to help me with the logo, business card, and brochure. It was a bit of a search until I found someone who is on the right wavelength. I think he's a good match with what I've got in mind. The photographer I have a lot of confidence in. Stephanie Leonard is the photographer at Gore Mountain and is just starting her own business as well, Hudson River Gallery and Framing in North River. We're having a hiking photo shoot with kids, parents, and a few older folks early in May, to get pics for the brochure. Now I need an accountant, liability insurance, and a lawyer to help me write the waiver. And lots more trail study so I can lead families and other folk on these half-day and day-long nature adventures. Oh, and the Licensed Guide exam on Saturday, May 13. Eeeek!

In other news: Spring is coming and is sort of here, except that it keeps dropping into the 20s at night. No black flies yet, but they'll be here anyday. Warbler migration is just starting, which makes woods walks exciting. And wildflowers: So far trillium and yellow wood violets.

Sophie is itching to go run in the yard, so I, too, must hustle off.


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