Thursday, December 15, 2005

As of yesterday at three p.m., the moving vans lumbered down the road and we declared the big move officially over. Now, of course, we can hardly get around all the boxes. And wouldn't you know, the dryer died last evening. We tried everything we could think of to get it going again, but it's not responding to treatment. The nearest appliance fixer is an hour away in Glens Falls, though we're hoping we'll be able to smoke out someone more local.

I was unpacking all late afternoon in the kitchen and missed the moonrise. When I walked into the living room at about four thirty, the moon was high above the horizon. I went wild with joy. We're going to see moonrises! In Canton, the trees were so thick to the east, we never saw the moon or the sun rise at home.

Have to interrupt here--Ken is prowling around looking for coffee.


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