Wednesday, December 14, 2005

First morning as a bona fide Adirondacks resident! Outside my kitchen window the temperature is fifteen below. I'm worried about our movers. They don't have the gear to deal with this cold, so I'll be outfitting them with Ken's jackets, keeping hot coffee brewing, and stuffing them with doughnuts today. The high temperature for today is expected to be around ten degrees. How will our furnace deal with an open door all day? Not only that, but my long underwear is all packed away, every stitch of it. I thought I had my new Hot Chilis up here, and maybe I do, but right now I can't find them. I guess to deal with the cold I'll be escaping to the upstairs rooms whenever I can.

As I mentioned in last night's post, Sophie went wild with happy delirium last night. I swear that incredible dog understood that this is our new home. She danced, cavorted, ran around the house numerous times at top speed, rolled in the snow, came bounding inside to find all her toys in the living room. Unfortunately, she's taken a liking to drinking out of the toilet in the downstairs bathroom. We have to leave the door open because there's no heat in there. It's adjacent to our propane stove that's in the living room, so it stays fairly well heated that way. (I'm glad, though, that Ken has staked out this bathroom as "his bathroom," meaning that he'll shower there and I'll shower in the upstairs bathroom. Suits me perfectly, shiver, shiver.

Right at this moment, Sophie is yipping in her sleep as she lies curled up on the couch. The poor dog is worn out from all the excitement of the past few days.

I can't wait to set up my office and to have my PC up and running, my writing desk all ready to go (I'm placing the writing desk in front of the window that overlooks the barn and the birches, a beautiful scene.) And, did I mention? I have a studio now. A roomy space to draw and paint, sew, work on knitting projects, you name it.

I must interrupt this entry to build Ken some coffee. Stay tuned!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been following your move through your blog entries andhav enjoyed the reading. Glad all went well and that you are now in your new mountain home. bjw

5:25 PM  

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